Noting that¡¡‘’Congress is clearly signaling that more needs to be done£¬‘’¡¡
he added that the government should be careful¡¡‘’not to look to a¡¡
significant expansion of regulation as the solution to current¡¡
Regulation£¬¡¡he said£¬¡¡has¡¡‘’proven only partially successful in dissuading¡¡
individuals from playing with the rules of accounting¡£‘’
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The Fed chairman endorsed President Bush's call for chief executives to¡¡
be held more directly accountable for corporate financial statements‘¡¡
accuracy¡£¡¡The president's call to define¡¡’‘more clearly the duties of¡¡
C¡£E¡£O¡£’s with respect to accounting and disclosure appears¡¡
appropriate£¬‘’¡¡Mr¡£¡¡Greenspan said¡£¡¡The Bush position was largely based¡¡
on recommendations from the President's Working Group on Financial¡¡
Markets£¬¡¡a senior economic policy group including Mr¡£¡¡Greenspan¡£
Addressing the matter of relentlessly upbeat recommendations by stock¡¡
analysts£¬¡¡he noted¡¡‘’the proclivity of firms that sell securities to retain¡¡
and promote analysts with an optimistic inclination£¬‘’¡¡especially when¡¡
the brokerage firm also acts as an investment banker for the company¡¡
whose stock it is recommending¡£
But he said Wall Street was responding on its own to deal with the¡¡
problem through initiatives like a requirement that brokerage firms¡¡
include in research reports the distribution of their ratings among buy£¬¡¡
sell and hold recommendations¡£
In time£¬¡¡he said£¬¡¡earnings projections by analysts will be more closely¡¡
scrutinized by investors after the fact£¬¡¡allowing them to judge more¡¡
accurately which analysts are worth listening to¡£¡¡‘’I venture to say that¡¡
with such transparency£¬¡¡the current upward bias of analysts‘¡¡earnings¡¡
projections would diminish rather rapidly£¬’‘¡¡Mr¡£¡¡Greenspan said£¬¡¡
’‘because investment firms are well aware that security analysis without¡¡
credibility has no market value¡£’‘¡¡